Grha RUN System
Jl. Pakuningratan No.15,
Cokrodiningratan, Jetis,
Representative Office
Treasury Tower
Lt. 10 Unit I, District 8 Lot.28 SCBD
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman kav.52-53, Jakarta 12190
A single application can handle overall company’s business processes
Effortlessly keep an eye on your company’s cash flow in real-time with R1’s automated Cash Flow Reports. Unlock the power of precise financial insights through R1’s comprehensive transaction recording features, ensuring more accurate and insightful financial reports.
With R1’s Accounting module, journals post automatically, bringing your financial reports to life seamlessly.
Inventory Material Management module aids you in recording and managing the inflow and outflow of goods, while monitoring every movement in real-time.
Effortlessly monitor and take command of all your sales data. Seamlessly generate invoices for customers, ensuring a smooth and efficient billing process
Gain full control and insights into your company’s procurement of goods and services with the streamlined Procurement module in R1.
R1 empowers Small to Medium Enterprises to leverage the benefits of ERP excellence
Enable swift and accurate control and management of the company with Real-Time data processing
Reporting features designed to meet user needs for effective data presentation
Integrated data recording for improved business efficiency
Standardized business process flows following best practices across various industries
Cloud-based application with a subscription system that makes it easy for users to own a system without a significant upfront investment
Data is stored on ISO 27001 certified servers and registered with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics
Dengan hormat,
Sehubungan dengan kewajiban mematuhi Undang-Undang Perlindungan Data Pribadi (“UU PDP”) dan Komitmen dari PT Global Sukses Solusi, Tbk (selanjutnya disebut “Kami”) dalam melindungi setiap Data Pribadi Pengguna Layanan. Dengan ini Kami informasikan bahwa Kami telah memperbarui Kebijakan Privasi untuk seluruh Layanan. Kami mohon kepada seluruh Pengguna untuk membaca, memahami, dan memberikan persetujuan terhadap ketentuan yang tercantum dalam Kebijakan Privasi baru Kami, ini dapat diakses melalui :
Kebijakan Privasi RUN System One (R1)
Dengan berlakunya Kebijakan Privasi tersebut, seluruh ketentuan dalam Kebijakan Privasi sebelumnya akan tetap berlaku sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan dalam Kebijakan Privasi yang baru.
Demikian yang Kami sampaikan. Apabila Anda sebagai Pengguna Layanan memiliki pertanyaan atau memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi petugas Data Protection Officer (DPO) Kami melalui e-Mail di
Hormat Kami,
Ageng Permana
Data Protection Officer (DPO)